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HT-020203 Power Select 4 CDI - Dual Power Output 115mJ/150mJ

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  • Regular price $899.00

Power Select 4 CDI - Dual Power Output 115mJ/150mJ - inc Plug and Pins. (Can be used to convert to direct fire ignition on EVO 8MR & EVO 9 using a Haltech Pro Plug-in ECU) Selectable dual power output 115mJ/150mJ spark energy allows your ECU to automatically switch output power on the fly under high load conditions. Control 4 channels of direct fire ignition using only one ignition output. Re-use your unused ignition outputs to control other functions (Sport ECUs only) *Requires Haltech IMS - (Ignition Multiplex System) single wire ignition trigger output. (Platinum Sport & Pro Plug-in ECUs Only)